"Our Slogan Must Not Be Burn Baby Burn. It Must Be Build Baby Build!" - Martin Luther King Jr.

1 year ago

What Is Your Life's Blueprint? "I believe as we struggle with these problems, we've got to struggle with them with a Method that can be militant but at the same time does not destroy life or property. And so our slogan must not be burn baby burn. It must be build baby build!" - Martin Luther King Jr. http://tinyurl.com/9r8kwazf We Must Educate America's Children and Teenagers 300 Days Per Year. When will you choose to actually actively participate 2 Create A Great America 2 Make A Great America 2 Make America Great Again? "A bad system will beat a good person every time." - W. Edwards Deming "If you can't describe what you are doing as a process (Method), you don't know what you're doing." - W. Edwards Deming "Research shows that the climate of an organization influences an individual's contribution far more than the individual himself." - W. Edwards Deming "Research shows that the climate of an organization influences an individual's contribution far more than the individual himself." - W. Edwards Deming "Only the method matters." - W. Edwards Deming MontesoriArizona.com | CreateWhatMatters.com | HowDoWeCreateAGreatAmerica.com

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