Head Tripping Lately?

1 year ago

ctivate Your Creative Genius
If you’re a head tripper, one who believes what your mind says and gets caught in confusion, doubt and spinning, you need to read/watch this!
In review… Last week we talked about the ambition to rise up, to make goals and connect to the drive that fuels your dreams. Could you connect with that energy in your life? Did you see it operating in others? This week’s energy theme moves us into a different zone and is 2-fold.
Do you ever feel a hunger to know the unknowable? To delve into life’s mysteries and find your inner truth? Indeed this week’s energy theme, based in hexagram 61 in the I’Ching (Jan 11-16) is about exactly that! You might notice a pressure to dive into the mysteries and want to understand them. You can easily get caught in what we call head tripping which can be pleasant, wild and exhilarating yet when it excludes your heart knowing that’s when it doesn’t help you to navigate your everyday life on planet earth!
Are you trying to navigate your everyday life from your head exclusively? Are your thoughts running in circles, creating confusion, stress and perpetuating that feeling of getting nowhere even though you put so much time and energy into problem solving?
There’s a different way… READ MORE https://synergyinmotion.info/head-tripping-lately/

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