National Law Enforcement Month

8 months ago

“We serve and protect.”

That’s the slogan displayed on the sides of police cruisers across America. But it’s so much more than a slogan. For the dedicated officers inside those squad cars, it’s a personal commitment…a covenant they make with you…one they take seriously whenever they sign in for another shift. They realize that each time they kiss their spouse and “loved ones” goodbye, it could be the last. Our heroes understand the potential risks. Every traffic stop, burglary, or disturbing the peace call could go sideways with no notice.

They keep a pair of dress blues in the closet for the funerals of fellow officers who fall in the line of duty, just in case.

And still, they run TOWARD trouble and INTO harm’s way for the people they serve and protect.

January is National Law Enforcement Month. And for those of us who are not an active part of the “thin blue line,” this is our opportunity to say thank you…tangibly…by remembering current and former police officers with gifts that could bless their lives…or even save their lives.

This month, honor your family members or friends who serve in local law enforcement by giving them a call, sending them a card or a personal gift. Show them that “blue lives matter” with flowers, clothing, or a gift card.

And you can protect the lives of those still actively serving by visiting our website, now…Invest U S A dot org…and clicking on the “donate tab” at the top or bottom of the page, you will be taken to a PayPal portal where you can serve and protect those who do the same for you, every day. A box will open at PayPal where you can help purchase the active shooter vests that our law enforcement authorities so desperately require.

On their behalf, we thank you.!/donation/checkout

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