Feisty Fat Cat! Rotund Tom Hilariously Swats When Disturbed from Naps

5 months ago

Get ready to laugh! This chunky and sassy tomcat does NOT like when his naps are interrupted - and he's not afraid to voice his displeasure with dramatic paw swats.

Watch this chubby tabby's hilarious reactions when his owner tries moving him or giving him belly rubs he didn't ask for. See his lazy waddles and king-like sprawls across the couch. But disturb this prince, and you'll get a grumpy meow followed by a flurry of harmless but dramatic warning swats!

While he looks like a big bully, his feisty behavior is mostly for show. Under all that furry grumpiness, he's still a lovable feline who enjoys his treats. His silly antics and diva personality are sure to provide endless amusement!

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