Baidu Shares Plunge After Report Links Its AI Platform to CCP's Military Ties

1 year ago

01/14/2024 Bloomberg Television: Baidu's share price has plunged by up to 10 percent, the most in a year, following reports linking the company to Chinese military-affiliated AI research This shows that every investor is still very jumpy, just one report about some potential military link to Baidu can already scare the market like this. Analysts and traders are now concerned about the potential geopolitical risks associated with Chinese military-affiliated AI companies like Baidu.
01/14/2024 彭博电视:有报道称百度与中共军方的人工智能研究存在关联,百度股价随即暴跌 10%,为一年来最大跌幅。这表明投资者仍然如履薄冰,仅一篇百度与军方存在潜在联系的报告就让市场如此恐慌。分析师和交易员现在担心百度等与中共军方有潜在关联的人工智能公司恐将出现地缘政治风险。

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