Iran launches! Russia advances new artillery! Trump WINS IOWA! How can he survive the DEEP STATE?

5 months ago

Iran launches missiles on #Syria backed ISIS in Syria and maybe Iraq. The #MiddleEast regional war escalates. Undeterred #Yemen fighters launch on more ships in the #RedSea!

New #Russian long range artillery now being deployed on the Ukraine front. #Russia may have lost two very expensive equivalent AWACS planes.

The South African International Court of Justice case on the #Israel #IsraelPalestineWar #IsraelEthnicCleansingGaza is censored throughout the #west. Do Europeans and #Americans even know what is happening in #Gaza?

Trump WINS Iowa! Latest numbers, #Trump2024 51%, #DeSantis 21.3%, Haley 19%, #Vivek2024 7.7%. Will the deep state allow Trump to survive until November 2024? Can his secret service protect him?

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