Hoo Boy! MSNBC Panel Very Alarmed By Iowa Caucus Result (Does This Meltdown Sound Familiar?)

1 year ago

It's now looking like Donald Trump has cleared the first hurdle to the 2024 Republican nomination in Iowa: Looks like Trump is on track to win all of Iowa's 99 counties. Sign of the breadth of his support in the Republican party -- winning among even moderates and suburbanites, in the entrance polls. - JUGGERNAUT: Trump broke the record tonight for blowout victories in the Iowa GOP caucus -- despite skipping every single debate and despite being under four (Democrat) indictments. Turnout was also at record level, despite subzero temperatures, reflecting big excitement for Trump. And with that, not unlike election night in 2016, MSNBC panelists were in full meltdown mode. Perhaps this is a preview of November: Their tears only make the Iowa results that much better. Far-left MSNBC host Rachel Maddow has a meltdown after “fascist” Donald Trump’s solid performance in the Iowa caucuses. lol.

This rhetoric sounds so familiar: “I don't mean to be again, too dark as you said on this, but if we are worried about the rise of authoritarianism in this country, we are worried about potential rise of fascism in this country.” - “If we're worried about our democracy falling to an authoritarian and potentially fascist form of government. The leader who is trying to do that is part of that equation… Is a much bigger part of that equation.” -- It's amazing that MSNBC hosts and panelists have been able to keep themselves triggered for so long.

• More at: Twitchy - HOO BOY! MSNBC Panel VERY Alarmed by Iowa Caucus Result (Does THIS Meltdown Sound Familiar?)

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