Ed Dowd Drops Bombshell Data: Why is this not on every news channel??

5 months ago

This is all you need to know about the "unexplained" surge in sudden deaths:

"If the sudden deaths we're seeing were occurring in the unvaccinated, this would be on every news channel 24/7. But it's not."

"The employed of our country are dropping dead and getting disabled at a rate that is beyond the general population. I blame the vaccines. If it's not that, then what is it? And why aren't we talking about it?"

— Edward Dowd (https://twitter.com/DowdEdward)

See Article:
Ed Dowd Drops Bombshell Data: Hematological (Blood-Related) Claims Up 522% Above Trend in 2022 - https://t.co/8Dn7NAJxmJ

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