Podcast Episode 14

1 year ago

Theme(s): Connection and Alignment, Freedom and Courage
Stop and Smell the Roses 02/23/24

Related Links:

Martin Luther King: the History of

Flo Aeveia Magdalena Sunlight on Water

Druthers News & Cody Kuntz

David R. Hawkins on Courage, Fear & Faith
Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior

Victor La Cerva
pulled Shaman card (ran out of time to do Reading!)
Masculine Wisdom (book and card set)

Elizabeth Rose, thanks for joining me. Whole Brain Podcast. Designed to assist you in your daily creations. Episode Fourteen. Welcome. Stop and Smell the Roses. Wake up and Smell the Coffee. Traditional format. Interviews coming up! Themes today are on Connection & Alignment, Freedom & Courage. Flow. Plugging into the Light to remain steady, grounded, inspired and to go forward.

Martin Luther King Day

Featured Music of Joanne Rand

Reading from Flo’s book Sunlight on Water on Light, and I am a Light Being & Light I Shall Remain. Meditation on Golden Light substance and, if you want you can say, “I pledge to invite the golden arena of pure consciousness into my field of energy every day. To promote balance in myself, in others and in the universe. Understand, I must be proactive if my life is to change. There is no going back. I hold and cherish my consciousness as the vehicle of transformation. Do not project or transfer my thoughts and feelings. I own them. Creating anything requires alignment and balance with creation.” One more Reading from Flo’s book. Is about Connection. “The principal of cooperation; when practiced, the dynamics of cooperation, you create layers upon layers of union; you gladly share your gifts, abilities & knowledge. Each person knows something different from others; may not know what that is. First exercise: what do I know that is valuable, what gifts might I share. Then make available to others. Sharing, connection, magic – needs are met. Access to information, experience, resource. Practical and no longer alone ~ part of a beautiful network. You are that.”

Music of Joanne Rand. Composer, teacher, poet and activist Psycheldelic Folk, Revival Music – experimental rock, blues, world beat, classical. Born and bred in Deep South ~ infused in her songwriting. Elegant, fierce, brilliant. Song, Grant Me Eyes,sang to brother who died of Aids, shortly before invention of cocktail that kept many alive. Song about connection and love.

Lyrics to Grant Me Eyes by Joanne Rand 1995

God grant me eyes
To make me wise
God grant me wings
To make me fly
And don’t let Love go by

God grant me arms
With which to hold
God grant me legs
To take me home
And don’t let Love go

God take my hand
And lead me
I understand
And do believe
And don’t let Love leave
And don’t let Love leave
And don’t let Love leave

Wake Up and Smell the Coffee
• Bards Fest. The Druthers Newspaper ~ articles by: Activist Cody Kuntz & What is Freedom (author unknown; originally published in The Pamphlet by Wade John Taylor)

Letter From An 18 year old Activist. By Cody Kuntz
“Less than 6 months ago I was just a kid living his best life. Who knew going out to a few lockdown rallies, speaking to other kids and making a live stream would end me up 29 days in jail and 5 pending criminal charges. It has been a very crazy journey and I’m beyond blessed for everything that this journey has taught me. Covid-19 has not only affected my life, but millions of kids across the country. Covid has made me a strong, determined 18 year old. I have been able to accomplish things I never have been able to prior to Covid-19. I am blessed that I am on the right journey. I am on the right side of history and can not believe that I was picked. I will never be able to thank everyone enough for all the support and for trusting me and allowing me into their houses and allowing me to educate their teens, kids and family members. The world is turning into a very scary place and if we don’t start to stand up, it’s going to be too late. We will then have nothing to live for. We need to stand up and fight back. … Now is the time to stand up and if you aren’t willing to stand up for whatever the reason is, please support and stand with me. I am here to protect and save the kids, and if you are not willing to do that, please give me the littlest support and stand with me. If you are scared to stand up, all I ask is that you stand behind me because if we don’t start standing up and doing even the smallest things, we will no longer have the Canada we love and enjoy.”

Very courageous thing of him to write and stand up for. His website is codykuntz.com. Beautiful representation of courage.

Now going to speak of freedom or liberty. Liberty is the quality or state of being free. “What is Freedom?” Have you ever pondered about “Liberty?” The word is tossed around with her brother “Freedom” and their father “Sovereignty,” but what do those words represent? You as an individual are unique. Your hopes, wants, desires, wisdom and other physical and mental traits are one of a kind. There certainly may be similarities with you and others on many levels, but ultimately there is only one of you. You have the inherent right to be you and experience your existence to the fullest should you hinder none that same right. These concepts of free determination are certainly not uniquely American. Our Founding Fathers were blessed with being born in the tail end of the Enlightenment. That means that, like peers of the age, they had a fantastic desire to grasp what it is like to be human and had a keen understanding of human nature. They studied where systems of government were installed by either the people or by force. They understood how great empires throughout history had come and gone. And they knew that no one system of government would ever stand once it had set upon the course of devouring its people to perpetuate itself. Those wise men came up with a fantastic system to preserve liberty. Parts of it are distinctly British in origin. But some fundamentals of Liberty and mutual respect in our Constitution trace their roots back to confederated tribes in the area who existed well before us. To throw off this system of liberty would be a shameful disservice to the Native contribution to who we are as a group of individual peoples on this continent. Our Constitution is a multicultural document. It took the best parts of many systems of government and formed an improved system that enables all people to exercise their Natural Rights…

Again, the question remains, what is freedom? Is it a system where people have a common moral code that establishes mutual respect and boundaries that don’t hinder liberty? …

Six years ago, is was retired. I lived on the beach and went to sleep every night with the Pacific Ocean in my ear. Was I happy? No, I was miserable. I gave all that up. I bought a small home that is older than I am and needs a lot of work. It sits on enough land for me to raise farm animals and have a healthy garden. I plant fruit trees and timber almost every year. I now live more rural than when I was raised. The garden start as rocks with a little bit of dirt. We hauled in plenty of dirt and manure over the years and produced our own compost as well. It has been a labor of love and we have even lost can entire harvest as a learning lesson along the way. That is what freedom is. The ability to say, “No I am not done with this life. My best years are ahead of me and I am going to take charge of my own life and become was self-sufficient as I can. You have the freedom right now to start over no matter your station or disabilities. You can purchase a piece of land and make a homestead out of it and create something out of nothing. Now, you can’t do that everywhere in America anymore. And that is our own fault. But you can still build the American dream out of nothing but a scrap of land if you seek it. Then you can truly experience the concept of personal sovereignty.

Can you experience freedom without owning land? Sure, you can also experience music without going to a concert. But once you experience the real deal, you understand it on a whole new level, and anything less is somehow less satisfying. By striving to be self-sufficient in our family’s food production, I have learned that you can’t have liberty without responsibility. That is what freedom means to me.”

With gears and go to the music of Joanne Rand. This song, “Twinkle Twinkle” was created from Joanne’s six year experience of being in the wilderness; take her canoe for a wild ride across a very large creek, then hike in a mile and a half, to her home which was in a treehouse. This song, “Twinkle Twinkle” is on her 2005 album Where Our Power Lies.
Enjoy, your Martin Luther King Day. Enjoy your Freedom!

Lyrics to Twinkle, Twinkle by Joanne Rand 1992:
I lived in a tree
And late at night, I would see
Stars dancing dancing in thin air
Trembling light without a care
Singing home to me:
“I am free “

Starlight star bright
First star I see tonight
Send me down a strand of hair
That I may climb up there
And be free

Show me a little one
Who loves to laugh and have her fun
And I will never thirst for love
Or yearn to be the stars above
Singing home

Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are
I once was you
Stardust I am made of too
Won’t you sing me home?
Won’t you sing me home?
Won’t you sing me home?
I am free

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