2023-12-19 - Midland Board of Commissioner - Renita's Comments

5 months ago

Here is a link to the full meeting: https://youtu.be/RyE3fzYA1Tc?si=IXeWTGqyQ7-OgMan

There were 11 agenda items and a closed session.

There is now an agenda item for public comments on all of the Midland County Commissioner meetings. We would still like the amount of interaction with the Board that was permitted two years ago when I began attending. We were allowed public comment on each of the agenda items, not just once at the beginning of the meeting.

This is the Midland Daily News article published after the meeting:

Public Comment
Renita Bonadies from Homer Township returned to public comment to express her appreciation that the commissioners now take public comments during subcommittee and Executive Committee of the Whole meetings.

At a BOC meeting on Nov. 21, Bonadies spoke during public comment about the lack of opportunities for citizens to speak at Midland County meetings. Since then, she said she has noticed the subcommittees and Executive Committee taking more public comments.

She did request again, however, that the Executive Committee and subcommittee meetings be recorded and livestreamed.

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