Jamie Metzl: The DPP's winning the election is a great victory for Taiwan and frightens the CCP

5 months ago

1/13/2024 Jamie Metzl, a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and former national security council staff member in the Clinton administration: The DPP's winning the election is a great victory for Taiwanese democracy, but it frightens the CCP. Taiwan's democracy will remain because the DPP's path represents the current rising political view in Taiwan. The people of Taiwan don't want to see a repeat of the CCP's destruction of civil society and democracy in Hong Kong.
#Taiwanelection #CCP #TakedowntheCCP
1/13/2024 大西洋理事会高级研究员、前克林顿政府国家安全委员会工作人员杰米·梅兹尔:民进党胜出是台湾民主的一次重大胜利,令中共害怕。台湾民主会延续下去,因为民进党的道路体现了台湾目前最主流的政治观点,台湾人民绝不希望重蹈中共破坏香港公民社会和民主的覆辙
#台湾选举 #中共 #消灭中共

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