Dr. Ryan Cole: Since the rolling out of the COVID vaccines, we’ve seen a huge spike in cancer cases

8 months ago

1/12/2024【Hearing on Injuries Caused By COVID-19 Vaccines: Part II】Dr. Ryan Cole:Since the rolling out of the COVID vaccines, we’ve seen a huge spike in cancer cases, and one of the mechanisms of COVID vaccines causing cancer is that the spike protein binds to the guardian of our genome - the P53 gene, as well as breast cancer and ovarian cancer gene, BRCA. Also contaminated DNA has been detected in every vial of the mRNA vaccine examined so far, which is a much higher cancer risk than synthetic mRNA itself.
#CCP #CCPVirus #COVIDvaccine
1/12/2024【COVID-19 疫苗造成伤害听证会】瑞安·科尔博士:自从推出COVID疫苗以来,我们看到癌症病例大幅增加,COVID疫苗引发癌症的机制之一是刺突蛋白与我们基因的守护者 - P53基因、以及乳腺癌和卵巢癌基因BRCA结合。目前检测到每一支mRNA疫苗的瓶子中都存在污染的DNA,这比合成mRNA本身更具癌症风险。
#中共 #中共病毒 #新冠疫苗

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