Payne: Americans Seeing Improvement Everywhere Under Trump; 34% Approval Is Way Off

7 years ago

I think it needs to change. The D.N.A. Of the most Americans is the idea wi can make it or be anything. Young kids listen to music and they listen to music about being bosses and opening private jets. The American D.N.A. Is about success. That is an intangible coming back to the equation. Hard to measure it but you see it with the manufacturing and the of thetism — optimism data. Homebuilder traffic is through the roof because the foot traffic has gone through the roof. If President Trump articulates a message to black Americans not unlike the message to anybody else, hard work, pull yourself up by the boot straps. You can start a business. You can war tis pate in that. Law enforcement, red Rick particularly things early — rhetoric particularly things early in the campaign can hurt the message to the community. But I really believe on the economic side of it all people are feeling it. I don’t know what survey they have taken to say the 34% approval rating. More Americans are seeing an improvement.

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