Graham Wants DOJ Investigated Over How They Handled Alleged Collusion

7 years ago

Yea. Yea. But he believes that collusion is a hoax. All I can say is that it’s not a hoax. The Russians stole the emails. They did interfere in our elections. We now know that Trump Junior met with the Russians in Trump Tower and that Bob Mueller is doing a great job. He’s the right guy at the right time. He needs to be allowed to do his job. And whether or not there’s collusion — Bob Mueller will tell us.

I’ve seen no evidence of collusion but the idea of Jeff Sessions being able to investigate the campaign he was on is unacceptable. Jeff Sessions did the right thing. It would be impossible for him to look into the Trump campaign activities with the Russians. Wh—Mr. Mueller had to be appointed as special counsel. But we need a second special counsel to look at the way the Department of Justice conducted themselves.

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