Why should you visit Robert is Here while driving from Miami to Key West?

4 months ago

Why should you visit Robert is Here while driving from Miami to Key West?
There are a few reasons why you should consider visiting Robert is Here while driving from Miami to Key West:
1. Unique fruit stand: Robert is Here is a renowned fruit stand that has been serving locals and tourists for over 60 years. It offers a wide variety of tropical fruits, including rare and exotic ones that you may not find elsewhere. It's a great opportunity to taste and explore the flavors of the region.

2. Fresh milkshakes: Robert is Here is particularly famous for its fresh fruit milkshakes. Made from the ripest fruits, these milkshakes are deliciously refreshing and highly recommended by visitors. They come in a wide range of flavors and are a perfect treat to enjoy during your road trip.

3. Family-friendly destination: Robert is Here is a family-friendly destination with a petting zoo, playground, and picnic area. It's a great spot to take a break from driving, stretch your legs, and let the kids enjoy some outdoor activities. The petting zoo allows children (and adults) to interact with various farm animals, adding an educational and entertaining aspect to your visit.

4. Scenic location: Robert is Here is located in Homestead, which is about an hour's drive from Miami. The route between Miami and Homestead offers scenic views of the Florida landscape, including the iconic palm trees and lush greenery. It's a pleasant drive that allows you to appreciate the natural beauty of the area.

5. Support local business: By visiting and purchasing from Robert is Here, you are directly supporting a local business that has become an institution in the community. The owners are dedicated to sourcing the freshest produce, supporting local farmers, and promoting sustainable agriculture. Your visit contributes to their success and helps to preserve this unique Florida gem.
Overall, Robert is Here offers a delightful and authentic Florida experience, making it a worthwhile stop on your journey from Miami to Key West.

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