PLANTS, TREES, FLORA & ELEMENTALS: Pylons of Shamanic Energy + Mini GROUNDING & ENERGY Rant.

5 months ago

We have been domesticated as if we are animals. Our senses no longer take in the broad scope of energy around us, and we no longer have connectivity to the energy fields that encompass all living things. In fact, the human eyes have slowly, over multiple generations & thousands of years, been trained to only interpret what is confined within the visible light spectrum. The visible light spectrum is just one fraction of the overall electromagnetic spectrum. Our senses, because of this, now only take in a limited chunk of the entire whole, making whatever information we consciously acknowledge through those same senses, fractionalized and not entirely complete, or " truthful."

This is why we need to always strive for development. Once you realise that we are living, thinking, feeling, and interpreting reality through a limited lens, you may ( and hopefully ) begin to initiate your own personal evolution. You can indeed gain more of your psychic abilities. In fact, psychic abilities are just a byproduct of your senses being healthy, and more open.

I suggest beginning your journey with the 4 inner exercises. These exercises are discussed in many of my videos, so make sure to check out my extensive video archive if you are interested in learning more about them. The exercises are as follows:

1. The Full Body Relaxation Exercise is explained here:

2. The Thoughtlessness Exercise: Sit or lay down in a dark room and relax. You can do this exercise with or without doing the full body relaxation exercise first. Become comfortable with your breathing and attempt to enter a state without thoughts. Simply try not to think or feel anything. As you do this you will come into contact with your internal dialogue - a constant stream of thoughts, feelings, appetites, appetites, etc. Simply acknowledge these foreign installations and observe them as if you are watching them outside of yourself. Don't stress out and get upset because you cannot enter thoughtlessness. What we are attempting to do with this exercise is locate our inner dialogue so we can see what it is saying to us. As you observe the foreign installations try pushing them away to enter no thinking. Do this for 5 minutes and stop & take notes on what you heard, felt, observed, etc. The more you do this the more you will get comfortable with it and you can do it upwards of 30-60 minutes. The power plant Kratom can be a very effective aid with this exercise and I have a video where I discuss this in great detail. By doing this exercise frequently and taking notes on what you hear, feel, etc during the exercise - you will be able to notice the kinds of thoughts, etc that are constantly playing on auto pilot in your mind. This will lead to you being able to remove them from your mind.

3. The motionlessness exercise: Go into a dark room and sit, lay or sit upright in a chair. I prefer laying down or in a chair. Allow all of your muscles and bones to relax and make sure to get comfortable. Become aware of your breathing and after 30 seconds or so - intentionally freeze your body from moving entirely. Do your best to not move an inch regardless of how agitated your mind gets. When first learning to do this your body may begin to sweat and get hot. This is entirely common and you should just ignore it. You may also find that your body begins to itch profusely and that your skin feels a pulsing sensation. This too is normal and will fade away as you get better at this exercise. Your body has been programmed to never fully relax and be still and it will get upset with you when you try to freeze all of its movements. By learning to freeze your body you will begin to remove years worth of muscle memory programming that is non beneficial to your well being. As you get better with this exercise - you can begin to incorporate the motionlessness exercise with the thoughtlessness exercise

4. The Inner Temple can be learned here:

Here is a video dedicated entirely to the subject of the 4 inner exercises:

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