Dating Is Dead & The Internet Killed It - MGTOW

1 year ago

Red Pill Mentor Tokyo
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Easter Sunday and here's what he's got to say: "Hello Sandman, I have recently come to this revelation. I do not think modern women are capable of maintaining monogamous relationships with men any longer. Not only do I believe this, but I also believe that all of their talking points are rooted in this very unfortunate reality. Most women, as discussed here and on other channels, have a dual mating strategy in which they want Chad's baby batter and Beta Brad's Beta bucks. And if they really had it way, they'd have Charlie Cuck involved. No amount of men is enough to satisfy women who have told that whatever they believe they deserve, it's not enough. They also tend to pursue this strategy once 30 approaches, and their eggs are almost gone. It's all wrong. But women still believe that if they get married, they'll be loyal. We know that's not even remotely true. And men should be warned that what women pursue through their actions is the phenomenon of locking down the beta bucks in a contract, and then to force that man to accept at best an open affair, or at worst a cucking arrangement. Of course, even if a man accepted this, she'd lose respect, cheat, and replace him accordingly. Of course, some might argue that this is sour lemons, but it's far worse than that. This incapability of women to remain loyal essentially destroys any chance of a stable family environment. The nuclear family is essentially dead. And as that family goes, so goes communities. And as communities go, so go nations. Female promiscuity will inevitably collapse soyciety. As to the why, I don't think they can control themselves around social media and smartphones. Based on my observations, it is every bit as debilitating to them as corn on the cob is for men in that it destroys any incentive to remain in a relationship. As for those social media platforms, they seem to believe that banning the "W" word rhymes with bore is the fix. But clearly that fix isn't working. Anyway, I'd love to know your thoughts on this, sir. AS for me, whenever I see an attractive woman, I assume she has a rotation or roster on her phone, and whether she's monkey branching or just penciling them in for each day of the week, it's the same thing. I don't want to be part of a man's roster. And even though they might argue that the top men they want do the same thing, the difference is that society does not expect women to pay for promiscuous men. And currently, we are being forced to pay for promiscuous women through social contracts and taxation via the government. Thanks for reading." Well Easter Sunday thanks for the donation topics. I say topics because there's bunch of stuff in there like hypergamy, women settling down with betas, technology making women unable to control themselves, female promiscuity, the end of the nuclear family. You bring up so much but the reason for all this is simple. Technology has wreck the ability for human couples to pair bond properly thanks to technology. The dopamine we get from devices is about to decimate the nuclear family. I spoke about this in a recent video called: "The Red Pill & Black Pill are Obsolete" discussing how dopamine from technology is making the prospect of dating for both men and
women boring. I'll discuss more in a moment but first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Mentor:

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