1/14/2024 | Serving as Samuel | Holy Cross Lutheran Church | Midland, TX

8 months ago

To support Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Midland, Texas:

0:00 Intro and First Hymn ("God Himself is Present")
2:35 First Prayer & Introit
8:39 Old Testament Reading (1 Samuel 3:1-20) & Epistle (1 Corinthians 6:12-20)
14:15 The Holy Gospel According to St. John, the first chapter
20:32 Children's Message
23:07 Sermon
34:18 Offering & Prayer of the Church
42:05 The Lord's Prayer, Communion, & Hymn ("The Church's One Foundation")
51:53 Final Prayer of Thanksgiving & Hymn ("Now Thank We All Our God")

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