Dog On Diet Throws Epic Temper Tantrum When Denied Cookies

7 years ago

A hilarious video has emerged showing a large Australian Shepherd dog named Mya refusing to be on a diet and impulsively begging owner to serve her with treats, which she obviously loves. Watch how this spoiled pooch protests during dinner and throws angry temper tantrum at his owner!

Mya the Australian Shepherd has been on a diet for a month now and has been doing very well. But when this 12-year-old dog is told she cannot have any more treats, she has a temper tantrum that is so overly dramatic, she could have won an oscar! She wants the treats and just hearing the word "NO" sets her off into a complete hilarious meltdown, losing it on her owner when she doesn't get her way!

Footage shows the stubborn dog refusing to quit sugar and demanding them cookies. Apparently, owner put his dog on a diet for eating too many treats, so now she is not allowed to have cookies. Watch the epic temper tantrum this dog throws at owner after being denied sweets. Mya is on a doggie diet and she is not allowed to eat them treats, however she has a hard time coming to terms with the diet and persistently begs owner to stop her diet!

Watch as she throws some nasty temper tantrum at the owner, complaining about the diet. It is funny to try and translate her discontent in the words of “Give me some sugar baby! Just a tiny bite of them cookies! I am not chubby, why you put me on diet?” This dog has some serious temper and refuses to eat healthy! She puts some impressive temper, jumping and barking at owner. She is so frustrated that she continuously whines about this stupid diet!

Owner offers Mya an apple but she is not satisfied and wants them cookies! The pooch is obviously upset and starts barking and growling at his owner, refusing to obey. He has a sweet tooth but owner doesn’t understand that! Watching this canine protesting over dinner, whining about her diet, shows that Australian Shepherd can be very spoiled and picky about their eats! Mya continues to whine and bark in protest and completely ignores her owner’s command!

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