Episode 1783: Are the Millennials going to teach the Boomers?

1 year ago

I think one of the favorite past times for baby boomers is to complain about the millennials. Kind of like our parents complained about our generation. Now that is not to say that we don’t have some good points:
1. Spoiled
2. Don’t have the same work ethic as we did
3. Taking longer to move out of their parents house
4. Feel entitled
5. Think the baby boomers have nothing to offer them because we are too old and outdated
But I have one big question for my fellow boomers.
Did you lead your children in the faith? Because you do know your children are the Millennials.
Lets look at the time line:
The time span for Generation Y, often referred to as Millennials, is generally considered to encompass individuals born roughly from the early 1980s to the mid-1990s. Well my daughters were born in 1987 and 1988 and my sons-in-law were born in 1983 to 1985 time span. I was graduating college when my son in law Mike was born.
So what my daughters and son in laws became was directly related to me and their parents. Are they hard workers. I think they are. Do they raise their children the way I did? For the most part bar some of the influences of their generation which discipline was somewhat lacking an the Children have much more say in the house then I or my daughters did.
But! What about their faith? Well before looking at them lets look at their parents, my generation! I have very few almost non-existent friends who raised their children in the faith. My generation ushered in the technology generation of the late 80’s and early 90’s. We jumped in with both hands and feet and so our children were born into technology. Yah think that had any effect. Of course it did. God forbid what the boomers would have been as kids with that kind of power. We had the simple childhood out parents had and did almost the identical things they did. Then we became teenagers and young adults and we lost our minds. Yet we want to criticize the Millennials?
Matthew 12:34-35 is as follows:
"O generation of vipers, how can you speak good things, whereas you are evil? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. A good man out of a good treasure bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of an evil treasure bringeth forth evil things."
Who is Christ speaking about? Could that be our Generation?
When I attend the traditional catholic mass do you know what I see? Millennials with larger families. The Boomer are there but very few brought their children to the true faith. The Millennials figured out a couple things about our generation we didn’t do our job.
We may have told them to work but did we tell them why?
We may have spoken about a code but was it a spiritual code?
No, we showed them huge houses, big TVs and constant vacations. Did we once bring the devotions into the house. We are generation of woman virginal or were they sleeping around as if there was nothing wrong. Did our generation start co-habituating prior to marriage. Did our generation use birth control and abort babies when it wasn’t convenient to bring a child into the world. Did our woman start the feminist movement and our men become wooshes? Did we do anything to set a good example to the millennials other than to treasurer this world?
See we thought that hard work replaced religious devotions. We thought the latest possessions replaced almsgiving to the Church. We thought buying our children sports jerseys and taking them to the stadium on Sunday instead of mass was okay.
No I have no right to challenge or speak bad of the millennials because my generation failed them.
If we fail we must not be in despair but we surely must stop and change course. Teach our children so they can teach their children. Teach them discipline with their children and discipline in their faith is a goldy order but above all stop feeding the beast of this world and get on your knees and prostrate yourself before God and ask for forgiveness and aid at doing the job we should have done. Then and only then when we accomplish that do we have any right to criticize this generation we created.
Do we actually self exam and say what have we done to this Millennial generation? I mean really ask that tough question?
What did Christ caution us about?
Matthew 18:6

"If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea."

Should our generation of Boomers have this proverbial millstone hung around our neck. I say we do and you may not like that but we do.
So lets take the advice of the great saints.
St. Francis of Assisi said:
"Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible."
St. John Chrysostom said
"The bee is more honored than other animals, not because she labors, but because she labors for others."
In 2024 make a difference by first fixing yourself and then start working in your children.

How do you fix yourself? Or better yet how do you take that millstone off your neck. As the saints did.
1. Start living an ascetic life. If you do not need it don’t buy or consume it.
2. Start living a monastic life. Stop thinking you can do anything with Christ and start a daily prayer life.
3. Start setting an example by what you do, what you watch and what you say.
4. Start bringing prayer and devotion into the home and start attending holy hours, eucharistic adorations and daily mass.
5. Stop watching sports and nonsense and start reading and learning the faith and then teach teach teach.
Then and only then can you make a difference. All this chatter about how bad things are because of the millennials will do nothing but if you can do your job right this time you may not only save their souls and the souls of your grand children but you just may save the world from the further calamity that is surely coming because we decided we were more important than God and we know better than god. Bring your Children to Christ and the Blessed Mother and then watch what they do with them.
No go out there and convert your family. Good day.

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