Interview with Jessica Funk, awake dentist - Part 1

5 months ago

This is Part 1 of my interview series with Dr Jessica Funk, DDS, a dentist who ‘woke up’ during the manufactured COVID crisis.

In Part 1, I delve into:

* Jessica’s early life as the daughter (and dental assistant!) of a dentist;
* Her experiences in dental school, learning from people who weren’t practising dentists;
* Her take on routine removal of wisdom teeth;
* The moment she began questioning the COVID narrative, and the impact it had on her personally and professionally;
* Her interactions with her state dental professional association, and the hostile reactions of fellow dentists to her COVID ‘vaccine’ dissidence;
* How she maintained her sanity as the world she thought she lived in was revealed to be a complete sham;
* The dramatic decline in health status that she’s seeing in her dental patients, and her thoughts on how other dentists are explaining away what they’re seeing;
* The training in informed consent that dentists receive, and how informed consent was trampled over in the roll-out of the COVID ‘vaccines’;
* What happened when she began questioning the story she had been taught about fluoride; the form of fluoride that’s added to water supplies, just what fluoride does to the human brain and body (including the teeth), and how much we don’t know about its effects;
* The link between sleep apnoea, reflux and dental decay, and the simple lifestyle measures you should try before you hitch yourself up to a CPAP machine;
* … and much, more more!

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