January 2024 President’s Message - 2024: STN's Resolve and Vision

5 months ago

We are embarking on the most exciting and eventful year in STN history. This New Year brings with it a number of new challenges and opportunities for all of us. We will not talk about resolutions because resolutions connote changing course, and we are definitely not changing the course or the trajectory of STN. We will continue to be guided and directed by our guiding principles. First by our Mission Statement, which must be irrefutably consistent in all of our minds.

Just so we don’t experience what is known as “mission creep,” let me reiterate our Mission Statement so that we maintain our resolve and our determination to see our mission forward. Our Mission Statement is as follows: “Our mission is to educate individuals utilizing newsletters, events, and resources to encourage thoughtful action that leads to impactful results. In doing so, we equip those individuals to utilize Biblical foundational truths to positively affect their communities in the preservation of their inalienable, Constitutional rights.”

The other thing that guides us in our quest for the truth is our “Core Values.” Notice, as I review once again our Core Values with you, that each one of them is incorporated into our Mission Statement. Our first Core Value is our “Biblical Foundation,” and I must say that this is the true bedrock of STN. I will direct you to Matthew 7 verse 25 for confirmation of my assertion: “And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.”

We will not falter, and we will not fall because of this fact. So when you get weary of the battles ahead and feel overwhelmed and wanting to become complacent, turn to Psalm 62:2: “He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken.”

Our second Core Value is our Constitutional Framework. Remember, without our Constitution, we are destined to live in chaos. I know many of you are thinking that every day we see our Constitution being assaulted. There are those who even believe that our Constitution should be scrapped, and we should write a new one. However, we all know that we will not let that happen. We will do what many of our elected officials refuse to do; we will uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.

Our last Core Value, which I have to say is arguably as important as our first two, is our “Educational Keystone.” I make that statement simply because the aim of the opposition is to keep the citizenry ignorant. STN’s mission is to shed light on the truth. As Charles Dickens stated in the Christmas Carol when the ghost of Christmas Present uncovered his robe and exposed 2 urchin children clinging to each of his legs: “The boy is ignorance and the girl is want. Beware of them both, but most of all beware of this boy. For on his forehead is written doom.”

Yes, ignorance is one of our main problems to be confronted not only this year but in every year before us. Our mission is to first discern the truth and then to disseminate that truth in every venue available to us. We will persevere in our conviction to educate the ignorant! The question is, how convicted are you to travel that narrow path alongside us?

Perhaps this guidance from Romans 8:37-39 will embolden and buoy you as you travel our narrow path: “No, in all these things, we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Let’s move forward this year with confidence, strength, and unity. Let’s do more in 2024 than ever before!
Dr. Pfeiffer

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