Select Your Partners Right - BizTalk Live Session

1 year ago

Alex and Will are two of five partners at 3BR Distillery. They discuss the importance and value of selecting the right people to build partnerships with. They give us a prime example of that importance as Alex turns the mic over to Will and Will discuss the importance of efficency within a small business such as 3BR. Alex built the brand through a fantastic story of his grandfather, he oversees the production of existing and new products, but he can't do everything. Partnerships are vital to a small business' operation and Alex puts it in plain language and through example. Each partner has a role, that role only supports the path to success.

BizTalk Live Sessions brings small business owners, subject matter experts, entrepreneurs and industry resource partners to the front of the room for unfiltered, and unedited lectures about their journeys, trials, failures and successes. Advice, wisdom and real time information are presented for other small business owners and entrepreneurs to gain small bits from. Whether it's the food and beverage business, retail, services, government contracting, seasoned or start up, this show is made by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs. Each BizTalk Live takes place at a new location for each session and supports local small businesses. BizTalk Live Sessions take place as stand alone events or are integrated into our larger events ProcurementCon and BizCon.

This event was hosted by 3BR Distillery in Keyport, NJ ( and catered by Keyport Italian Mini-Market. (

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