The Days of Noah, NAR and False Prophets

8 months ago

Matthew 24 and Luke 17 say, as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be before the coming of the Son of Man. They were eating, drinking, marrying.... living life. Noah being divinely warned prepared an ark to save his family.

In this short video I want to take a moment to say we need to be situationally aware of the times. People are people and human nature is, well, human nature. It's been that way throughout time. Hence, religious people like some Pharisees were, will always be religious. They'll strain at a gnat while swallowing a camel. In fact, I believe that is happening right now.

Some are straining at a gnat while missing the days of Yuval Noah Harari. Hey's the secular guy who those in the World Economic Forum (WEF) call "The Prophet." You
ought to see what he thinks about man's ability to exceed God and create a
technohuman race. Why he even saw COVID19 as an opportunity to introduce a new era of surveillance.... under the skin.

This man and the WEF have done far more damage to the church and the world in the last four years than the heresy hunter's version of NAR ever could or ever would. Not even close. It's like oil and water.

In this video we'll take a brief look at what Deuteronomy says about an important characteristic of the false prophet, as opposed to a prophet who speaks presumptuously and gets it wrong. Truly Hosea 4:6 says, my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. My hope is to encourage us to focus on the truth and being aware of the times so we can better prioritize our limited time.

Lift up your head for your redemption draws near.

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