Media Blackout with Maria Zeee: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You

4 months ago

Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You - Episode 5
Vigilant News Network

#10 - WEF warns Disease X “could result in 20 times more fatalities than the coronavirus pandemic.”
#9 - Nancy Pelosi issues cryptic message about Donald Trump's chances of winning.

#8 - Scientists warn the latest COVID variant could trigger a “heart failure pandemic.”

#7 - Kentucky Senator Rand Paul breaks his silence on the 2024 Presidential Race.

#6 - Shocking engagement reveals how far Canada has fallen.

#5 - German truckers team up with farmers to raise hell over disappearing fuel subsidies.

#4 - Astrophysicist drops a nuclear bomb on the entire climate change narrative.

#3 - Epstein documents reveal alleged sex tapes that clearly identify Bill Clinton’s face.

#2 - Stunning evidence of voter fraud comes to light after statewide investigation in Michigan.

#1 - Bret Weinstein and Tucker Carlson expose the truth about the COVID shots and WHO’s evil plan for humanity.

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