1 year ago

Our government places illegal aliens ahead of citizens.

As a taxpayer and a military veteran I am ashamed of my country. My shame reaches out especially in cases such as those in New York where nearly 1800 high school students have been kicked out of their school and forced into the failed ‘distance learning’ programs in order to convert their school into a sanctuary for illegal aliens.

In Upstate New York, Military Veterans were evicted from a Veteran’s Assistance Home in order to house hundreds of illegal aliens.

In California illegal aliens are now entitled to free medical, dental, maternity, abortion, and even funeral rights. For them it’s all free. I’m a veteran of the United States Marine Corps and I’m not entitled to anywhere near the benefits as these criminal invaders aka illegal aliens aka undocumented immigrants aka migrants.

In Alabama some churches have closed their doors to parishioners in order to house the swell of illegal aliens. Parishioners are referred to other churches no matter how inconvenient.

The president of the United States has opened the border, destroyed the separation of nations, and now allows in excess of a quarter million invaders a month to come into the country and enjoy the myriad welfare benefits reserved for them and them alone.

How have we, as a nation, fallen so far as to embrace and reward criminals on a massive basis while punishing and depriving our own law abiding citizens. Our law abiding citizens are pushed to the back of the line. Honorably discharged veterans are pushed to the back of the line. Legal Immigrants, those with Green Cards, are pushed to the back of the line. Foreign workers on M2 employment visas are pushed to the back of the line. And last but not least, our civil liberties, human rights, and legal guarantees of the Constitution are pushed to the back of the line.

Any crime against any illegal alien is now elevated to “Hate Crime” status, but any crime against our own citizens … as long as they aren’t ‘white-on-black’.

●If it doesn’t piss you off, is should●.

I’m Max, and that’s the way I see it!

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