911 This footage aired once on 2001-9-11, never to be seen again. Be Careful, You Can't Unsee It!

1 year ago

This 3 minutes will change you forever. You Will Not Be The Same Person after Watching The Video. "Once you see it, you can't unsee it
Video from Pentagon Cameras 911 Frame By Frame
Dr Roberts: Planned War in Zionist Entity is 911 Continued -The Jewish goal is Greater Israel. Part 1
Most Excellent Information on 911
How to fight Totalitarian Regimes’ Narrative that is Hypnotizing Society To Become Compliant?
So, there are two things you can do. You can start it right now:
1- Give the video to anybody who has a pair of eyes and ears, repeat-repeat-repeat, be CNN.
2-Watch Mainstream Media (CNN MS NBC PBS etc.), find what Globalist Elites Do Not Like; then Do More of It and Harder.
Give people the above video, then listen very carefully...to what is NOT being said.... you will learn very quickly who you are dealing with!
30% of us are deeply hypnotized by TOTALITARIAN ELITES and will follow their agenda, regardless of how destructive it is. Your words will bounce off them like gravel off the concrete wall, nothing can be done about them, besides shooting them. Not like in the case of Dictatorship, Totalitarian Elites have hypnotized themselves and now deeply believe in their own lies which is very dangerous.
40% will go along with anybody who has power over them, but they may go in any direction.
30% of us will fight to stay free to death.
Here is a Professor of Clinical Psychology Describing How to Fight TOTALITARIANISM (In Case of COVID MANDATES COMPLIANCE).
The technique is the same when fighting Deep State Narrative Like: 911 or ANTIWHITE MIND PROGRAMMING.
And Here is an Example of Perfectly Executed Mass Formation: November 18, 1978 – Mass suicide at Jonestown
Words of Wisdom:
Google does not want you to find what you are searching for but rather – what .. they ..want you to find! Google manipulates you by hiding certain information and imposing other info.
How To Fight Globalist Woke Pigs? Find what Woke Pigs Do Not Like then Do More of It and Harder.
You Can Ignore Reality but You Can't Ignore the Consequences of Ignoring Reality.
Stupid Happens but Staying Stupid is Optional
What doesn’t kill you, will make you stronger
Virus kills, Lockdowns Masks Vaccines Murder!

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