EVENT: The Spotlight On Success With Elena And Jack

5 months ago

Event Name : The Spotlight On Success With Elena And Jack
Date of Event : 01/14/2024
Time of Event : 04:30 PM Eastern Standard Time

Event Description : Join hosts Elena and Jack as they illuminate the
paths of success through engaging and inspirational conversations in
"The Spotlight On Success With Elena And Jack". Each episode of this
dynamic show delves into the hearts and minds of successful
professionals from various fields, unraveling the tapestry of their
journey. What Started You on Your Professional Journey? - In this
segment, Elena and Jack sharing the pivotal moments and influences
that launched their professional paths. This intimate look provides
listeners with a relatable foundation, often filled with surprising
turns and motivational anecdotes..Here, the conversation shifts to 1:
What Started You on Your Professional Journey? 2: What is Your
Favorite Part of Being a Professional? 3: What Keeps You Inspired? 4:
What is One Thing That People Should Know About You? and 5: What is
Your Dream Job?



Jack Bosma
Solveres Independent Solution Representative and District Manager
https://www.mightynetworks.com/find Solveres
"Inspect what you expect."

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