Episode 1780: Save yourself from this Wicked Generation

8 months ago

You know when you will know that you are really practicing your faith? When you actually live it every day and not just mail it in on Sundays. People today will say “don’t lecture me on faith” or “don’t ram your faith down my throat”. Bingo that is a sign they are not living their faith. Why? I never attack anyone who reminds me of the most important reason I was born. I adjust my life and get back on the right path.
Notice the word St John the Baptist used quite often and Christ used as he started his ministry was Repent. Did the people around them say “don’t tell me what to do?”
St. John the Baptist as a precursor to Jesus, preparing the way for the coming of the Messiah. In the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 3:2), it is recorded that John the Baptist proclaimed, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near."

Jesus, too, emphasized the importance of repentance in his teachings. In the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 4:17), Jesus is quoted as saying, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." This theme is present in many passages in the Gospels, calling people to turn away from sin and seek spiritual transformation.

The concept of repentance is a significant theme in Christian theology, emphasizing the idea of turning one's heart and mind toward God and away from sinful actions.

But what did peter say on his very first sermon?
“Save yourselves from this perverse generation." Acts 2:40.

This verse comes after Peter's Pentecost sermon, where he explains to the gathered crowd that Jesus is the promised Messiah and has been raised from the dead. He then calls for repentance and baptism in Jesus' name.

By saying " Save yourselves from this perverse generation.", Peter is not necessarily advocating for personal salvation through individual effort. He is instead warning the crowd about the consequences of rejecting Jesus and his message. He is urging them to separate themselves from the wickedness and corruption of the world and embrace the new life that comes with faith in Christ.
I want you to listen to an incredibly good talk by one of my favorite podcasters “Pints with Acquinas” by Matt Fradd

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