The Many Accomplishments of President Donald Trump

6 months ago
News Republican Politics Donald Trump accomplished a great deal during his presidency: •He cut taxes for hardworking Americans and corporations fueling a booming economy with record low unemployment. •He scaled back harmful government regulations that were strangling American businesses. •He renegotiated unfair trade deals like NAFTA to put America First. •He strengthened our border security and slowed illegal immigration. •He rebuilt our military and defeated ISIS restoring America's strength on the global stage. •He appointed three strong conservative justices to the Supreme Court who will defend the Constitution. •He signed the Right to Try Act giving terminally ill patients access to life-saving treatments. •He made America energy independent for the first time in decades. •He signed historic tax reform which provided relief to middle-income families. •He signed legislation reforming the VA and improving veterans' access to healthcare. •He signed criminal justice reform giving nonviolent offenders a second chance at life. •He took out dangerous terrorists like Qasem Soleimani without starting new wars. •He brokered peace deals between Israel and Arab nations making the Middle East safer. •He fast-tracked the development of a COVID vaccine through Operation Warp Speed. •He always put America First and stood up for our Judeo-Christian values and freedoms. Donald Trump was a transformative president who fulfilled his promises to Make America Great Again! He will be remembered as one of the greatest leaders in American history.

Donald Trump accomplished a great deal during his presidency: •He cut taxes for hardworking Americans and corporations, fueling a booming economy with record low unemployment. •He scaled back harmful government regulations that were strangling American businesses. •He renegotiated unfair trade deals like NAFTA to put America First. •He strengthened our border security and slowed illegal immigration. •He rebuilt our military and defeated ISIS, restoring America's strength on the global stage. •He appointed three strong conservative justices to the Supreme Court who will defend the Constitution. •He signed the Right to Try Act, giving terminally ill patients access to life-saving treatments. •He made America energy independent for the first time in decades. •He signed historic tax reform which provided relief to middle-income families. •He signed legislation reforming the VA and improving veterans' access to healthcare. •He signed criminal justice reform, giving nonviolent offenders a second chance at life. •He took out dangerous terrorists like Qasem Soleimani without starting new wars. •He brokered peace deals between Israel and Arab nations, making the Middle East safer. •He fast-tracked the development of a COVID vaccine through Operation Warp Speed. •He always put America First and stood up for our Judeo-Christian values and freedoms. Donald Trump was a transformative president who fulfilled his promises to Make America Great Again! He will be remembered as one of the greatest leaders in American history.

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