#47 Anonymous Object in java | Skyhighes | Lecture 47

5 months ago

Here's a comprehensive explanation of anonymous objects in Java, incorporating visuals:

What are anonymous objects?

Objects created without a reference variable: They are instantiated directly at the time of use, without being assigned to a named variable.
Short-lived: They typically exist only within a single expression or method call.

new ClassName(arguments);
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Visual representation:


System.out.println(new Person("Alice", 30).toString());
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This creates a Person object with the specified name and age, but doesn't assign it to a variable.
The object is used immediately for the toString() call and then becomes eligible for garbage collection.
Common use cases:

Passing objects to methods:
myList.add(new Person("Bob", 25)); // Adding an anonymous Person object to a list
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Creating temporary objects for one-time use:
int result = new Calculator().add(5, 3); // Using an anonymous Calculator object for a single calculation
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Implementing interfaces or abstract classes on the fly:
Runnable task = new Runnable() { // Anonymous implementation of Runnable interface
public void run() {
System.out.println("Task running...");
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Key points:

Anonymous objects are useful for concise code and situations where you only need an object temporarily.
They can simplify code by avoiding the need for extra variables.
However, use them judiciously as excessive use can make code less readable and maintainable.
Consider using named objects for objects that need to be referenced multiple times or have a longer lifespan.

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