Planned tyranny of WHO (& NGO´S - Non-governmental-organizations) - NWO Great Reset

11 months ago

The WEF circus has been going on for too long – 54 years. The WEF’s naval-glancing organizers and participants are distancing themselves ever-more from reality, while they have one objective and one objective only – massively reducing world population, so that Mother Earth’s remaining natural resources will serve a small elite “forever”, instead of being swallowed by “useless eaters”, who can rapidly be replaced by robots, transhumans (chipped human survivors), and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Once there is only a fraction of the 8 billion world inhabitants left – and, yes, that is the goal already spelled out by the Club of Rome’s (a Rockefeller invention), 1972 Report “Limit to Growth”, and then stated in Henry Kissinger’s 1974 Report on “National Security Study Memorandum (NSSM) 200”. Kissinger was then President Nixon’s Secretary of State. (both reports can be downloaded, pdf)

The One Objective
This one objective comes disguised under many different documents and statements, from the covid crime, to a potential virus “X” – which does not yet exist, but for which already bio-weapon “vaccines” are being produced; to energy shortages; and to the climate farce. All extreme fear-mongering, reducing the populations auto-immunity (even without being “vaxxed”).

Such a limited world population would lend itself best for a One World Order (OWO) with a One World Government, (OWG), and a One Health World (OHW), the latter dictated and tyrannized by the World Health Organization (WHO).

The WHO tyranny – a dream of the WEF and its cult cabal – may only happen if the infamous Pandemic Treaty and the amply modified International Health Regulations (IHR), are being approved (coerced) at the World Health Assembly (WHA) in May 2024.

To avoid this fraud, people around the world MUST now call upon their governments – in whatever strongest ways they can – to EXIT WHO. NOW. Period.

Truth behind government´s restrictive measures:

the world is run by powerful financial entities who never show themselves to the public, and who control the WEF, WHO, UN, IMF, EU, BIS, etc. Organizations like the World Economic Forum are in reality a storefront for entities who operate behind the scenes.

Did you know the World Health Organization has been literally set up to operate as a one world government?

The World Health Organization is a One World Government
Did you know that when the WHO declares a pandemic, the laws of all the nations are nullified, and the entire world is submitted to the so-called ‘constitution’ of the WHO?

The World Health Organization is a One World Government
Did you know the WHO can at any time declare a pandemic, based on any fraudulent diagnostic tool?

The World Health Organization is a One World Government
Did you know the WHO declared the current pandemic based on the severely flawed PCR test, which produces up to 94% false positives?

The World Health Organization is a One World Government
Did you know that all the nations of the world are now bound to unquestioning submission to whatever guidelines the WHO issues?

The World Health Organization is a One World Government
Did you know the WHO is owned and controlled by private individuals who are not democratically elected by anyone?

The World Health Organization is a One World Government
Did you know this makes the WHO effectively a private entity that rules the entire world - outside any form of democracy?

The World Health Organization is a One World Government
Did you know the entire health system of our world is owned by financial oligarchs who use it to dominate all of humanity?

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