Pt 2 Mike Gill Responds to Juan O' Savin Comments Re Ninos Corner Show Excerpts

1 year ago

Mike Gill Opens The Global NWO Pandora's Box | Responses to Juan O' Savin Ninos Corner, Explains Real Estate Heist | Connected Psyops, General Flynn, Gerald Brummet, Evergreen, Patrick Bergy, Panama Papers
Join Multi-Millionaire and Award-Winning Horse Racing Mike Gill on Patriots Perspective hosted by Christi Tasker and co-hosted and produced by Penny L.A. Shepard.

Mike responds to Juan O'Savin's statements on Nino's Corner with Nino Rodriguez. Gill goes into the J6 psyops and claims General Flynn is connected to Gerald Brummet, the Evergreen whistleblower. Gill states Ann Vandersteele, Laura Loomer, and James O'Keefe are all connected. Brummel is the Candian man who stood in a Waterloo sweatshirt before the Evergreen container, stating Clinton Evergreen's whistleblower. Then Mike Gill says Brummet fled to Ann Vandersteele's Florida house.

Find out how Mike Gill's Pandora's Box and Panama Papers discoveries affect you! Starting with an explanation of how it affects the average American, Mike Gill discusses uni-party politicians, corporations, and bloodline globalists and how they are trying to continue to hoodwink citizens in multiple cities and countries around the world. Mike explains why he was offered $50 Million to keep his mouth shut and how his mortgage business could help you keep your home. Mr. Gill has spent millions exposing the most elite, their handlers, and even journalists for years by purchasing billboards in his home state of New Hampshire, where he also ran for Governor in 2016.

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If you want to help Mike, only donate to Mike via Michelle Moore Ministries:

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Host, Executive Producer: Christi Tasker
Christi Tasker is an award-winning serial entrepreneur and business owner. Aligning the global connections with multiple worldwide cartels, Christi quickly discovered the connections of the Miami mafia. Tasker is an award-winning technologist, interior designer (, fashion designer (, and artist ( travel blogger ( and editor and executive producer of designer showcases and news outlets such as research, Tasker is a mentor to creative entrepreneurs on

In January 2020, Tasker traveled to Asia to discover TRUTH on the ground. Going to multiple Asian cities and returning to America, she quickly saw the PLANdemic aka COVID-Scamdemic. As an avid researcher of truth, Tasker believes Francis Suarez, aka Botox Bro, is an NWO puppet whose job was to incite fear in the mostly Spanish-speaking Miami. Tasker ran for the City of Miami Commission when she discovered massive Miami Mafia corruption and how it affected the lack of City services. Tasker exposed the Miami “government gangsters,” aka the Miami Globalist uni-party, pretending to be in different parties playing the citizens of Miami like third-world fiddles missing strings. Months after Tasker’s first run, whistleblowers came out of the woodwork, and politicians were arrested for money laundering and trafficking. Tasker is a renowned traveler volunteer mentor, and educator for numerous organizations and colleges. Subscribe to Christi’s Websites:

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Executive Producer: Penny L.A. Shepard

Penny L.A. Shepard ( was born into MKULTRA Projects taking place in and around Miami, FL, and Hollywood, FL. Such projects include: Genesis, SubProject Eve where Penny was placed into Joseph Mengele's family. Unbeknownst to her, Shepard was used as a covert asset, an agent for my deep-state CIA family as a "sleeper" agent. Assist in funding my research; you can send Penny donations on PayPal:

In an effort to reverse what she was born into, Penny is the volunteer executive producer of several Patriots Perspective shows. She is the daily executive producer of Daily News, and she appears as a co-host on https://AwakeNation.TV on The David Zublick Rumble channel, aka The Dark Outpost Channel >>>

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Patriots Perspective is not responsible for the views and attitudes of its guests. This video is for entertainment purposes, and Patriots Perspective does not endorse or condone any unlawful behaviors or take sides. Patriots Perspective hosts present whistleblower stories and evidence for the public to view as allocated by the US Constitution's First Ammendment Rights for every American to make their own informed decision.

If you have further questions for Patriots Perspective hosts to ask Mike Gill, please comment below.

To find truth, peace, and solutions on behalf of all Americans, Patriots Perspective will invite all mentioned guests on future shows. Mike Gill has agreed to return for comments.

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