Israel Moments | Jews Worship a Different God than Christians

5 months ago

Israel Moment #16 - Jews Worship a Different God than Christians
Hello this is Pastor Steven Anderson from Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe Arizona. Today I want to talk about 1st John 2:23. It says whosover denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father. But he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also. And the reason I am pointing out this verse is that many people will teach today that the Jews worship the same God that we as Christians worship. “Yeah, they have the same God, they believe the Old Testament.” You will hear that all the time from people. And they will even use the word “Judeo-Christian”. Basically lumping Jews and Christians together as worshipping the true God of the Bible. But according to this verse, the Jews do not worship the same God that we worship. Because the Bible says “whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father.”
So how can you say they HAVE the same God, when the Bible says they do not HAVE the Father? Because if they don’t HAVE the Son, they don’t HAVE the Father. So let me ask you this. Who do they have? Who are they worshipping today in Judaism? We know it’s not God the Father, because they don’t acknowledge the Son. Therefore they don’t have the Father. You know who they are worshipping? A false god. A false god is who they are worshipping. And we need to stop saying that the Jews have the same God that we as Christians have, because if they don’t have the Son, they don’t have the Father. That’s why the Bible also calls them the synagogue of Satan, because you know, they are not of the Lord, they are of their father the devil, that’s what the Bible says.
Main Scripture/s 1st John 2:23
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