I felt so whole and complete': After hourslong search for missing teen with Down syndrome l JDT l 24

1 year ago

I felt so whole and complete': After hourslong search for missing teen with Down syndrome, community volunteer thrilled to safely locate her - Jamie's Dream Team l Jan 6 2024

Original video: https://www.cbsnews.com/pittsburgh/news/missing-teen-down-syndrome-community-volunteer-safely-locate-kayla-durler/

January 6, 2024 / 11:19 PM EST / CBS Pittsburgh

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) - After a desperate search for a missing teenager with Down syndrome, more than 24 hours later, a community volunteer found 17-year-old Kayla Durler.

KDKA-TV spoke with the woman who found her safe and sound.

"I felt so whole and complete. I just had this feeling as I was going through the day like, even when I started, 'I'm going to find her.' I was very determined," said community volunteer Rebecca Bykoski.

Over 100 volunteers set out early Sunday morning with Jamie's Dream Team, determined to find the missing teen.

"I was nearing the point where I was starting to feel defeated, and I was getting upset about it. Then, I came here and looked across the street and saw her in front of the DK Pittsburgh Sports store."

"[We] got handed some flyers, and there were several others there, and it was kind of which neighborhood do you want to take.

From Pitt to Oakmont, Duquesne, and Downtown, community members hit the streets, passing out more than 1,000 flyers in hopes of finding her.

More at: https://www.cbsnews.com/pittsburgh/news/missing-teen-down-syndrome-community-volunteer-safely-locate-kayla-durler/

Jamie’s Dream Team mission is to offer hope when there is little, to ease the burden caused by serious illness, injury, disability, trauma, or catastrophic events and to finally celebrate individual differences by acknowledging dreams as possibilities.
Purpose: The purpose of Jamie’s Dream Team is to provide assistance and/or make distributions to or on behalf of qualifying individuals who are handicapped, disabled, terminally ill, severely injured or suffering from a serious medical condition, disease, or trauma.

For more information about Jamie's Dream Team please got to http://www.jamiesdreamteam.org or e-mail us at info@jamiesdreamteam.org
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