#28 Creation of Array in JAVA | Skyhighes | Lecture 28

1 year ago

There are three main ways to create an array in Java:

1. Declaring and Instantiating:

This is the most common way to create an array. You specify the data type and size of the array, and then allocate memory for it using the new keyword.

int[] numbers = new int[5]; // Creates an array of 5 integers
String[] names = new String[10]; // Creates an array of 10 strings
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2. Initializing with Values:

You can directly initialize the array elements with values during creation.

int[] scores = {100, 85, 98, 75, 90}; // Creates an array of 5 initialized integers
String[] days = {"Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri"}; // Creates an array of 5 initialized strings
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3. Using Array Literal:

Java 10 introduced array literals, which provide a concise way to create and initialize arrays.

int[] ages = [25, 30, 22, 18, 40]; // Creates an array of 5 initialized integers
String[] fruits = ["Apple", "Banana", "Orange", "Mango"]; // Creates an array of 4 initialized strings
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Additional Points:

You can access specific elements in an array using their index (starting from 0).
Arrays are dynamically sized, meaning you can define the size during creation.
Java supports multidimensional arrays as well, allowing you to organize data in a table-like format.
Remember, the choice of method depends on your specific needs and preferences.

I hope this clarifies the different ways to create arrays in Java. Feel free to ask if you have any further questions!

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