Factory & Custom Rifle Options

9 months ago

https://www.buymeacoffee.com/cathyselby Just started to help Cathy, The Real Gunsmith's Wife with production and all that entails. First published 12-31-2019 on our Patreon channel, https://www.patreon.com/therealgunsmith We now offer it here. Thanks for your support on Patreon and YouTube and Rumble, as well as all of you who have had Randy do work for you, whether a custom rifle build, a conversion or repair. God bless you all. Continuing with last month's theme, Randy presents two other great factory rifle choices, as well as showing two custom rifle options, mid range and above. Happy New Year!
Follow us on YouTube: https://youtu.be/RLlL_61kFgo

https://therealgunsmith.com/shop Our Merchandise page.

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