II Peter Lesson-04: Watch Out for the Deceivers - Part I

11 months ago

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Today's Lesson

we are in Lesson-04 in the series “Grow in Grace, Grow in Knowledge” from the book of II Peter.

This is Volume II of our series: “Strangers and Pilgrims” a study of I and II Peter.
The lesson is titled “Watch Out for the Deceivers!!! – Part I” and our focus passage is II Peter 2:1-9.
Please find your way in your Bible to that passage.

In our previous episode, we completed our three-part study of II Peter 1.
In that first chapter, Peter reminded his audience of their great redemption in Christ and also of the strong foundation of their faith and the truth of God’s Word.
In between those affirmations, he encouraged them to not stand pat, to not grow stagnant.

No, they needed to continue to grow in grace and knowledge.
We have been called to abundant living (cf. John 4:14; 7:37-38; 10:10). We have been saved but we are not expected to just stay there. God wants more for us.
We are supposed to be growing more and more each day into the image of Jesus Christ (cf. Rom. 8:29-30).

We have everything we need for life and godliness in Him.

In today’s lesson we begin our study of chapter 2 of II Peter.

As we mentioned in our Introductory Lesson to II Peter, a big issue Peter is addressing in this second letter is the threat of false teachers.

To combat that false teaching, we need the true knowledge, the knowledge of God.

We must be ready to recognize false teachers and to stand for the truth and our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Today we will focus on our first division, “The Appearance of False Teachers”, v1-9.
Let’s get started.

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