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Ry On Shaun Attwood Talking Epstein


  • 0/2000
  • I don't believe Epstein dead. Top surgeons have gone to work on him, money no object, too many people in prominent positions, even Gislaine Maxwell wouldn't even recognize him!!!

  • ✌🏼✌🏽✌🏾🌈🐸

  • It's a very sexy show and presents a lot of quite interesting info. Thanks...

  • Great show.

  • We need to promote dr.Shiva streamers platforms u till they all promote him. Only way his message will get through the matrix and get to the sheep’s.

  • keep on keeping on.... 🦅

  • I think when there done with these kids they kick them off the cliff.Where is all the kids from maui.Wheres all these kids from the border 86,000 kids gone.There underground in tunnels.They just found one last week and they tried to cement it in soo nobody can go down there .There underground.

  • I found Ryan sometime around 2009. Back then no one seemed to pay much attention to the muckrakers. They had a pretty open playing field for getting the truth out there.

  • This is what happens when people have too much money it leads to I can do what ever I want..

  • It’s a shame Dawson isn’t on the Major news networks. He has so much factual information that the public should want to know.

  • Clinton bit Juanita Broderick. Idk about anyone else.

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  • Please give me an opportunity to share, at least 1 of your Epstein and Israeli truth videos, with my elderly friends without the girlie crap. For people my age it’s revolting and belittling to the message. I can fast forward through it but my friends will discredit it and stop listening.

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  • I believe Trump is also involved, I believe that he raped Katie Johnson in the early 90’s. I believe he was brought in by the Clintons as a Pied Piper Candidate (Wikileaks DNC/Podesta Emails) too Cover Up (Only Arrest, Jail and Kill a few) of the Epstein Club! “Warp Speed” !!! The Synagogue of Satan Israel 🇮🇱 #GolanHeights (Genie Energy) #USSLiberty #Cheney #Rumsfeld #Halliburton #Netanyahu #McCain #Graham #WMD #9/11 #Bush1 #Clinton #Bush2 #Obama #Trump #Covid #FJB Problem Reaction Solution! Ivana Zelnickova Trump died from a “fall” down the Stairs 🙄 In June 2016, one Katie Johnson filed lawsuit in New York claiming she had been repeatedly raped by Trump at an Epstein gathering in ((1993)) when she was 13 years old. https://rumble.com/v3tif5g-head-of-the-snake-wexner-maxwells-mossad-and-mega-group-exposed-pvpgurl.html During the call, Maria covers a lot of ground and the call was never intended to be released as an interview, as Whitney gave Maria free range to discuss situations and topics without prompting from Whitney. In the first half of the call, Maria discusses her horrific experience at Wexner’s guest house, witnessing preparations for Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein to receive then-President Clinton on more than one occasion in 1995 and how Ivana Trump, (maiden name: Zelnickova) President Trump’s ex-wife, frequently accompanied Ghislaine Maxwell when she went to recruit pre-teen girls for Epstein

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  • Ryan Dawson on Bet David. Gawd Almighty ! I'd pay more than I did on the Kennedy campaign (I wish I could have a redo on that) to see that. BALLZ. Would love to hear Ryan chat with Adam AND Mark Groubert. They need some schoolin.

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  • I'd like to know about all the babies he has and who is raising them?

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