Canada Passed Law: Home Owners Who Post Videos Of Thieves Stealing Their Stuff Can Land Them In Jail

1 year ago

Canadian police have warned residents against posting pictures or videos of porch thieves or 'pirates' as this could violate their privacy. The warning has been issued by Quebec's provincial police force, The Sûreté du Québec and has been widely criticized by locals online. Lauren Small-Pennefather, a Montreal West councilor responsible for public security, said packages are stolen outside of homes regularly, especially during holiday season.

'It's something we deal with on a daily basis. You have people that are following the vehicles, and when they see a parcel that's dropped off, they then go and take the parcel if nobody comes to the door to retrieve the parcel,' she said. Small-Pennefather also said that porch pirates are getting smarter in the ways they commit the thievery.

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