J6 was a SETUP!

1 year ago

I cannot believe this month marks 3 years waiting for the truth to finally come out. I can tell you, as I was there joining millions of other Patriots to support President Trump on Jan. 6, 2021. It was a freezing but energizing day. I even had favor with being seated a few rows in front of the stage were everyone spoke and got to meet David Harris jr & Terrence Williams. It was a peaceful rally with many worshipping and praying. Then as you know, after the rally all hell broke loose at the Capital. I obeyed God when he told me to leave DC right before it all went down and thank God I did!

But now more evidence is coming to light. We now know that not only were there antifa dressed up as Trump supporters in the crowd but so were well over 200 FBI agents! They were planted in the crowd and at the Capital. May God expose this corruption even more and bring all that is hidden to light.

Please continue to pray for the release of the patriots that are still in jail. Many of them were actually ushered peacefully into the Capital but are still wrongfully imprisoned.

#j6 #fakenews #donaldtrump

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