Relationship Lessons And Growth With June Edward

5 months ago

On December 29, 2023 June Edwards and I spoke a lot about relationships including how she sees the framing of soul mates, twin flames and karmic relationships; the lessons of self-worth, trust and communication, unconditional love, money and balance, and patience. We go deeper into growth, self-love, purpose, effective communication in relationships, and relationship lessons learned. We also get into: growth, plans, service to others, letting go, non-clinging, and more

About June Edward
'I was a life long entrepreneur who was born with a lot of psychic abilities. Once they opened fully, I had no choice but to get training to control them. I have worked with several famous paranormal groups and authors. I have assisted on several missing person cases, and am the author of several books, and the Relationship Mastery Program, that helps people understand how energy works, get in touch with their own soul, and change by seeing life from a higher perspective.'

'June Edward has been psychic since a child; however she didn’t realize she was also a medium until later in life. Some of her gifts have been passed on, since her mother was also a medium. She also passed to the other side herself when she was 27 years old, and came back to this side by choice. She can offer firsthand experience that Life after Life does exist! She has a 100% success rate in bringing through souls from the other side, to give closure and help loved ones heal on both sides. Her sold out group readings can help give insight as to what’s going on in your life, and help to see what the Universe has in store.

June’s special gifts include working directly with the Angels, Guides and departed Souls. Combined these tools have made her a very strong and accurate psychic and trance medium, able to bring through validating details to prove the connection and messages from the other side.

June believes that her job as a psychic medium is not only to help those connect with their loved ones, and heal both sides, but to help encourage others to embrace this life, and be thankful for all the gifts they receive in their life every day!'

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