Psycroptic and Obituary 2024 Melbourne Australia

4 months ago

I try to film as best I can the metal bands Psycroptic and Obituary.

This was at the Croxton in Melbourne.

Psycroptic is a Tasmanian band who have been around for a while. They have two brothers on guitar and drums, this particular concert they had a different drummer, I know him from the band The Amenta who I saw recently, he was very good. The guitarist is technical and extremely talented.

Obituary is an American band, so a big thank you for flying down under to give us this performance. They formed in 1984 with their first album released in 1989, these guys are pioneers and old school front runners of the metal culture. A guy who was in the crowd told my friend that he had been listening to them for 33 years, longer than I've been alive.

The show was amazing with great music, lighting and atmosphere.

I want to give a big thanks to Black Lava too, the first band that was on stage but I neglected to film, they were really good.

Thank you to all three bands for their unbridled energy and hectic music.

I have watched the footage and have ideas on how to record better, utilising the zoom more and finding a better recording location. I hope you get something out of it. I could only render the video in 30fps, apologies for that.

Thank you Josef for treating me to this concert and thank you for watching I really appreciate it.

Rock on everyone!

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