Was the Hijab a Commandment by Allah? | هل كان الحجاب أمر من الله؟

1 year ago

In the upcoming episode of the School of Divine Mysteries, join Aba Al-Sadiq (fhip) and his guest, Sarah Batoul, as they embark on a thought-provoking exploration of the controversial topic of the head veil.

Delving into the religious scriptures of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, the hosts seek to uncover the scriptural origins, if any, for the practice of women covering their heads.

Despite the prevalent tradition of religious head coverings among followers of these major Western religions, the investigation takes an unexpected turn.

Surprisingly, the guest finds that there is no explicit commandment from God, whether in the Old Testament, the Gospels, or even the Quran, specifically ordering women to cover their hair.

While modesty is enjoined upon both men and women, the divine mandate for a head veil appears to be absent.

In this enlightening episode, Aba Al-Sadiq shines a light on lesser-known historical facts, including the practices concerning slave women in Islam, challenging the perception that a head veil is a divine decree. The hosts draw attention to the role of human interpretation, cultural influences, and the contributions of figures like Paul and Omar bin al-Khattab in shaping these practices.

Join the hosts as they unravel the intricate layers surrounding the head veil, exposing it as a construct influenced by human interpretations, scholarly traditions, and zealous inclinations.

Don't miss this insightful exploration into the origins and implications of the head veil in the religious traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Tune in to the School of Divine Mysteries and be part of this illuminating conversation that challenges assumptions and unveils the historical and scriptural nuances behind religious practices. 🌟🔍📜

00:00 Origin and obligation of a head-covering
01:11 Questioning religion is deemed blasphemy
05:30 The Mahdi will renew Islam
07:27 Head-covering a part of all Abrahamic faiths?
13:09 Just a conclusion by the Rabbis
21:15 Hijab and Nikab in Judaism (Tamar)
30:06 Paul added the headdress to Christianity
37:03 Quran says to draw the veil over "pockets"
41:04 Scholars differed
46:30 Umar hit a slave girl for wearing the hijab
50:51 God wants men and women to be modest
51:49 Hijab is not a law but a choice
56:40 We cannot judge others by the head-cover


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