The differences between conventional vaccines and mRNA vaccines

6 months ago

1/12/2024 【Hearing on Injuries Caused By COVID-19 Vaccines: Part II】Dr. Peter McCullough talks about the differences between conventional vaccines and mRNA vaccines. Conventional vaccines are usually proteins, which do not themselves cause disease; mRNA vaccines are very different in that they are genetic code for the production of the spiking proteins, and the body does not have a pathway for breaking down the mRNA or the spiking proteins. In my view, the COVID-19 vaccine program has complicated this because people have taken unprecedented numbers of shots.
#CCP #CCPVirus #COVIDvaccine
1/12/2024【COVID-19 疫苗造成伤害听证会】皮特·麦卡洛博士谈传统疫苗和mRNA疫苗的区别。传统疫苗通常是蛋白质,而蛋白质本身不会致病;mRNA疫苗则截然不同,它是产生刺突蛋白的基因代码,而人体没有降解mRNA和刺突蛋白的途径。在我看来,新冠疫苗计划使这一问题变得更加复杂,因为人们接种了前所未有的大量疫苗。
#中共 #中共病毒 #新冠疫苗

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