The Right to Dissent; A Press Conference (1968, Film Group)

5 months ago

Special Thanks To Doug West! Thanks For Sending This To Me!!!
A Little Bit Of A Peek Into Our Not To Advertised Recent Political Past!
The Right to Dissent: A Press Conference, records a pre-convention press conference of the National Committee to End in the War in Vietnam. David Dellinger and Rennie Davis recount their difficulties in dealing with the City of Chicago to plan their protests against the 1968 Democratic Convention.
This film is part of a seven part module or series (The Urban Crisis and the New Militants), that "teach by raising questions rather than by attempting to answer them." The modules tell their story through editing rather than voice-over narration and show "real events, with real people acting spontaneously," as the Group explained to an educational film distributor.
Thanks to release prints of The Urban Crisis and the New Militants donated by Bill Cottle and Mike Gray to CFA and two preservation grants awarded to CFA in 2005 and 2006 by the National Film Preservation Foundation, CFA was able to preserve the entire seven-part series. All release prints and preserved prints currently reside in our FilmGroup Collection. More information on this preservation project can be found here:
Original: 16mm., B&W, Sound, Found in Chicago Film Archives' Film Group Collection (, Chicago Film Archives manages the rights to this title
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Source: ChicagoFilmArchives
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