MZTV 1386: What is REALLY Happening in Israel Today

11 months ago

MZTV 1386: What is REALLY Happening in Israel Today
Martin Zender
5.22K subscribers

2,084 views Jan 10, 2024
God always forms and sets up the fake first, and the enemies first, and the darkness first, in order to make known His true people and the true light. Goliath was set up for the sake of David. Pharaoh was set up for the sake of Moses. Adam was set up for the sake of Christ. The disruption of the world was set up for the spirit of God to move upon the waters.

Modern-day Israel, on the banks of the Jordan river, is set up for the sake of the true Israel, who will displace them during the Tribulation in a world-startling event that no one will see coming—except for you, of course.

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