Where Does the Healing of this Planet Begin?

4 months ago

January 30 - a daily inspirational commentary by James Blanchard Cisneros. Together, let us gently awaken the world.
Today, let us prepare ourself to help heal the world by first looking within, and healing the injured thoughts in us. It is our healed or unhealed thoughts that bring us, and thus this world, peace or pain. It is this peace or pain that we either extend or project out to the world we see. If the peace or pain we offer this world first begins as a thought within our mind, then it is within where our healing should begin. As we heal our unhealed thoughts, because we are all connected, we will help bring greater amounts of peace and understanding to those around us. Let us no longer allow our injured thoughts to sit within us unchallenged, to fester, infect, weaken and sicken us. We will know when they are sickening us because we will project our pain and place our focus on blaming others, instead of healing ourself.

Today, let us remember that it is our thoughts that color the world we see. If we are seeing a dark and unhealed world, let us no longer blame the effect, the world. Instead, let us go within and look for the cause, our own thoughts, and where they are out of alignment with our All-Loving God. It is in alignment with God, through Love’s lens, that we are meant to see and experience this world. It is when our thoughts are aligned with God’s Light — that we can truly see. Aligned with the mind of God, we overlook the false and see the truth. The truth is that God is Love and All. So when we are not seeing others through Love’s lens, it is our thoughts that need healing, not them. Today, let us take personal responsibility for our thoughts until the Love of God in all is all we see.

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