The Stern American Show - Steve Stern with Dr. Lynn Lafferty, PharmD, ND, DACBN

11 months ago

Season 2 Episode 14 - Lynn Lafferty shares her journey of wanting to be a medical doctor and ending up getting her Doctorate of Pharmacy and several other credentials moving towards natural remedies and food as medicine.


Lynn Lafferty, Pharm.D., N.D.,MBA, CNC, CNHP is a doctor of Pharmacy, Naturopathic Doctor,
herbalist, nutritionist and chef who is committed to finding the safest and most effective means to
promote health and wellness over disease and illness. She is an Endowed Professor and Assistant Clinical
Professor at Nova Southeastern University College of Pharmacy and Osteopathic Medicine. She has a
Functional Clinical Nutrition and Herbal Therapy practice in the Nova Southeastern University Clinic
Pharmacy. She serves on the boards of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine, American
Clinical Board of Nutrition and Broward County Pharmacy Association.

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