Chad Koppie for Congress

4 months ago

Before the Democrats became Socialists…when there were only two sexes…and people on the street would tell you that “ALL” lives matter…before the days of texts and e-mails and trolling on social media, there was an America where folks took the time to talk to one another…one on one. Republicans and Democrats might have used different roadmaps and agendas…but we listened to each other, learning from one another because we all cared about our country.

Communication was the key…built on a firm foundation of mutual respect, and a shared morality. The America of Chad Koppie was great because of its low-tech but high-values.

(Show transgenders & aborted babies)

Today, that has changed dramatically. And not for the better.

85-year-old Chad Koppie is a Republican candidate for Congress in Illinois’ 7th District. Chad has a long memory and a sharp one. He has witnessed our nation’s long slide into decay and depravity. He has a plan to rebuild the American foundations of diligence and decency. Like another popular candidate we know, Chad Koppie wants to “Make America Great Again.” And his vote in Congress will help our next Commander-in-Chief do just that.

But you need to get to know Chad Koppie…the man…and not just the candidate. Chad has fought hard to improve education, and currently serves his local community in his second term on the Kane County Regional School Board. He is also on the board of the Illinois Forum…and is a former township trustee.

A lifetime farmer, Chad Koppie grew up in a Christian home on his family’s 4-thousand-acre farm which straddled the Illinois/Wisconsin state line. It’s where he learned the lessons of family values, including duty to God and country. Over the years, Chad and his wife, Teresa, his ONLY wife, raised three sons and one daughter. Today, they are the proud grandparents of ten.

Still active in agriculture, Chad lives on and tills the fields of a farm in Kane County. But as an aviation school student at Purdue University, Chad Koppie had “higher aspirations,” culminating in a 35-year career as a jet Captain with Delta Airlines, retiring as Delta’s seniormost pilot. He understands blue-collar voter and middle-class values.

As your Congressman, Chad Koppie plans to hit the ground running, finding solutions to our border crisis, jobs and the economy, America’s foreign policy, the family, capping the debt ceiling, and building a healthier, more secure nation.

If you want to take Congress out of the hands of the special interests and return it to the control of the people, Republican Chad Koppie of Illinois’ 7th District is the man for you. Find out how you can make a difference by visiting his campaign home page at While there, you can donate your time or finances to help put Chad over the top. Don’t live in the district? No matter. You may support Chad to send him to Congress to represent the entire nation.

But if you do live in the district, remember to go to the polls on Tuesday, March 19th and vote Chad Koppie for Congress in Illinois’ 7th District. Thank you.!/donation/checkout

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